Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lil taste of HOME!

Well this week is the start of the season our first game is on Sunday at 3pm. i think that would be 9am your time. Well the past few days have been interesting to say the least, mondays practice was cold but during the day monday it was 60 degrees and then tuesday rolls around and its starts snowing around 5 pm and it hasnt stop since. as u can see by the pictures on how much snow we got, it reminds of a lil bit of home which is a lil refreshing but the bad part is that all this snow needs to melt and the ground needs to be dry by sunday for the game. wither way we will be playing sunday so i will let everyone know what happens in the game...thanks for following miss everyone


  1. Oh Greg,
    It is something to see all that snow and to know you play on Sunday. Would game be cancelled or would you play? Thanks for the pictures, will be praying for a break in the snow and sunny days soon.
    Love you , Mom

  2. well the game is cancelled here in Parma so they are working on a place to play the game now, we should find out today where we paly at.

  3. Good News the game is back on we have to go play in Bolzano on sunday at 4pm italy time
